Upcoming club events around the country, please contact us if you want to promote your next event through this page. Just drop us an email at vintagescene@xtra.co.nz
Otago Vintage Machinery Club
are hosting an Open Day at their clubrooms - based at the Machinery Museum in Outram on Saturday 26th October (Labour Weekend)
Hauraki Vintage Machinery Club
Crank Up Day - Sunday 24th November. Venue is Kaihere Domain, 1559 Kaihere Road, Kaihere (just off Highway 27). Tractors, stationary engines, motorbikes, classic cars etc. Live displays of vintage tractors / vehicles and machinery, plus static displays. GOLD COIN ENTRY.
Tauranga Vintage Machinery Club
A good turnout of 19 tractors set off on an overcast morning in August on a tractor trek. They enjoyed the wonderful countryside of course, but also looking at collections of various types of tractors and machinery.